COLD STONE台東門市開幕優惠
Jul 12th 2013, 09:23

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COLD STONE酷聖石冰淇淋看好東台灣消費潛力,開設台灣第38家也是台東地區首家門市,坐落於台...
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新加坡 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
新加坡 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
Jul 13th 2013, 04:57

我今年高二, 想要參加EF辦的新加坡2010寒假遊學. 想要問問有經驗的人, 去新加坡...注意的事項 請麻煩大家告訴我!!! EF新加坡語言學校 是EF的新學校 設備相當新穎 你...

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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
[請問] 拍影片用錄音帶?
Jul 14th 2013, 09:29, by lovejj0126

作者lovejj0126 (ZCrys)


標題[請問] 拍影片用錄音帶?

時間Sun Jul 14 09:29:31 2013

最近在看一些韓國綜藝節目 然後看到攝影師在換帶子的時候,拿一個很像錄音帶的東西 請問那是錄音帶嗎?還是只是長的像而已呢? 因為我看他大小跟錄音帶(聽收音機那種,不是看的那種)一樣 如果是的話 錄音帶不是都已經很少人在用了嗎 還是跟那種不同呢? 常聽到拍攝的人說要換帶子還是換膠卷的 很好奇是什麼東西?? 為什麼不用光碟 要用帶子@@ 謝謝!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

caras:那是錄影帶 07/14 09:45

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批踢踢實業坊 MobileComm 板
[問題] 新一 new one 溫度異常上升
Jul 12th 2013, 17:09, by oh78wei

作者oh78wei (coolwei)


標題[問題] 新一 new one 溫度異常上升

時間Fri Jul 12 17:09:19 2013

就是呢 我覺得我的新一怪怪的 為什麼我把它放在口袋甚麼事都沒做 他就46度了 然後睡覺的時候充電 起床看竟然到68度!! 有人知道有甚麼可能原因嗎? 我是用原廠充電器! http://imgur.com/gLRSt29,NrjSq2e#0
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

david64586 :68度...這小宇宙爆發了吧 07/12 17:16

shin30 :壞了 100收來當暖暖包 07/12 17:25

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2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
Jul 12th 2013, 13:37
【大紀元2013年07月12日訊】(大紀元記者夏逸柔悉尼編譯報導)近日,澳洲公寓房的銷售價,被悉尼邦迪海灘(Bondi Beach)的一棟剛售出的公寓房,打破了歷史記錄。

悉尼晨鋒報房地產報導,喀裡多尼亞投資公司(Caledonia Investments)基金經理,兼投資公司總裁維卡斯(Will Vicars),在太平洋邦迪海灘(Pacific Bondi Beach),以2100萬澳元的售價,購買了兩棟合併的兩層樓的「燈塔」 閣樓,該公寓成為了一個超級公寓。

近日,德科(Deke)和夏娃 米斯金(Eve Miskin),以5400萬澳元,售了一棟位在悉尼派珀角(Point Piper)的阿爾托納(Altona)豪宅,打破了以往的銷售記錄,目前該房主正考慮要像維卡斯先生一樣,支付2500萬澳元來購買兩棟「燈塔」 閣樓。

此前的記錄是在2008年,位於環形碼頭(Circular Quay)貝恩朗區(Bennelong)的一棟公寓,當時以1,680萬澳元售出一棟第12樓的公寓套房。


該公寓樓在坎貝爾-皮瑞德區(Campbell Parade)的瑞士大酒店(Swiss Grand Hotel)重建時建起,總規模有975平方米,其中包括有468平方米面向海灘的露台。

CBRE住宅總裁布朗(Justin Brown)表示,他的團隊出售了所有的閣樓房,維卡斯的超級公寓,將為澳洲海濱生活的住房樹立一個新標誌。


通過出售該豪宅的鼓勵,太平洋邦迪海灘的開發商-瑞貝地產集團(Rebel Property Group)的艾倫林茨(Allen Linz),以及卡皮特集團(Capit.el  Group)的利特爾(Eduard Litver)將委託BKH公司的設計師,合併兩個相鄰的「燈塔''閣樓住房,建一座873平方米的公寓樓,此舉將創建一個更大的價碼。

基礎建設將超過2500萬澳元以上,取決於要建造甚麼的房子,但將有可能耗資2900萬澳元。也許有些在海外的人士想要以黃金來做磚瓦 ,你很難想像他們究盡想要甚麼,」布朗說。


隨著2100萬澳元公寓被賣出後,接著還有一棟黑斯廷斯新發展地區,位於邦迪海灘北端的頂樓公寓套房以 580萬澳元售出,是由高盛JBWere集團的常務董事米勒(Anthony Miller)購買。


1.2100萬澳元,太平洋 - 坎貝爾.皮瑞德區,邦迪海灘,2013年
2.1680萬澳元,比隆(Bennelong ),麥格理街(Macquarie Street),2008年
3.1610萬澳元,希克森路(Hickson Road),沃爾甚灣(Walsh Bay),2006年
4.1390萬澳元,比隆(Bennelong ),麥格理街(Macquarie Street),1999年
5.1300萬澳元,巴克赫斯特大道(Buckhurst Avenue,),派珀角(Point Piper),2010年



本文網址: http://epochtimes.com/b5/13/7/7/n3911138.htm悉尼著名海灘公寓銷售破2100萬澳元記錄.html  美東時間: 2013-07-12 08:21:58 AM 【萬年曆】

'); document.write(''); function OAS_AD(pos) { if (OAS_version >= 11) OAS_RICH(pos); else OAS_NORMAL(pos); }

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背包客棧自助旅行論壇 - 一般旅遊問題
Jul 13th 2013, 14:03, by 放心飛吧


** ***-**

This email is in relation to your electronic Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa application lodged via the Department of Immigration and Citizenship website.


To enable this office to assess that you are a genuine visitor eligible for an electronic Working Holiday visa, it will be necessary for you to provide further information.

Please answer YES or NO to each declaration individually:

1. You have read and understand the information provided to you at the beginning of the application, and you are aware of the conditions that will apply to your visa and that you are required to abide by them.

2. You understand that the visa you are applying for does not permit you to be employed in Australia with one employer for more than 6 months.

3. You understand that the visa you are applying for does not permit you to undertake studies or training for more than 4 months.

4. You have sufficient funds for the initial period of your stay in Australia and for the fare to your intended overseas destination upon leaving Australia.

5. Any employment during your holiday in Australia will be short-term employment and the purpose of working is to supplement your holiday funds.

6. You are applying for a Working Holiday visa for the first time and have not previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday visa (on a passport of any country).

7. You have truthfully declared all relevant details required of you in your application.
原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=961562

8. If granted a visa, you will advise the Australian Government of any change in your circumstances.

9. You will respect Australian values during your stay in Australia and will obey the laws of Australia.

Australian Values Statement

Since 15 October 2007 all applicants for this visa must declare that they will respect Australian values and obey the laws of Australia.

Australian values include respect for the freedom and dignity of the individual, freedom of religion, commitment to the rule of law, Parliamentary democracy, equality of men and women and a spirit of egalitarianism that embraces mutual respect, tolerance, fair play and compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good.

Australian society also values equality of opportunity for individuals, regardless of their race, religion or ethnic background. It is also important to understand that English is the national language.

If you would like more information about this requirement, or are concerned about making the declaration, further information about Australian Values and the visa requirement is available on the department’s website at www.immi.gov.au


You can provide information to the Hobart Global Processing Centre by attaching electronic documents to your application, email, fax or post.

When providing information you should include your full name, date of birth, passport number and Transaction Reference Number (TRN). The preferred file formats for attachments are .jpg or .pdf. The total size of attachments for each email must not exceed 5 Mb.

Attaching documents electronically to your online application
You can submit your documents in electronic (scanned) format by using the "Attach documents to a lodged application" function available on the department’s eVisa website at www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/working-holiday-attachments.htm

Reply to eVisa.WHM.Helpdesk@immi.gov.au
Please do not alter information in the subject line of this email.

Fax and Post
The department prefers information to be provided using one of the options above. However, if you are unable to provide the requested information electronically you may fax or post it to:

FAX: +61 3 6281 9553

Hobart Global Processing Centre
Tasmania State Office
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
GPO Box 794


You must respond to this request within 28 days after you are taken to have received this letter. As this request was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day it was transmitted.

If you do not reply within the timeframe specified above your application may be decided without the requested information being taken into account. If you are unable to provide the requested information within 28 days, you must contact the Hobart Global Processing Centre at eVisa.WHM.Helpdesk@immi.gov.au to provide an explanation.


To check the progress of your application, you can use the online enquiry service.

Use your Transaction Reference Number (TRN) provided in the subject line of this email to access this free 24 hour service through our website at


The department will try to process your visa application as efficiently as possible. However, the department advises applicants not to finalise their travel arrangements until they have received notification of their visa application outcome.

Working Holiday visa applications lodged electronically may be finalised within two (2) weeks of lodgement. In some instances applications may need to be referred for further processing, resulting in longer processing times.
原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=963795
原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=963795

To be eligible for a Working Holiday visa, applicants must be outside Australia when they apply and at the time a decision is made on their application.

If your visa application contains incorrect and / or misleading information, this may lead to your application being refused or your visa being cancelled.

Medical treatment in Australia can be very expensive for tourists who are not covered by Australia's national health scheme. It is recommended that you have health or travel insurance for yourself and your family for the duration of your stay in Australia.

If your circumstances change or the information provided as part of your application is no longer correct, you must inform the department in writing as soon as possible.


You can contact us with a general enquiry in a number of ways including by email, through our website, by telephone through our Service Centres or offices around the world, or in person. In Australia you can call 13 18 81 between 8.30 am and 4.30 pm Monday to Friday. Details on contacting our offices outside Australia are available on our website at www.immi.gov.au.

Thank you for using the eVisa service.

Yours sincerely,

Jemima Lambeth
Position Number: 60002976
Visa Processing Officer
Hobart Global Processing Centre
Tasmania State Office
原文載於: 背包客棧自助旅行論壇 http://www.backpackers.com.tw/forum/showthread.php?t=961562
Department of Immigration & Citizenship

(See attached file: Contacting The Department.pdf)(See attached file: Client Service Information.pdf)

Important Notice: If you have received this email by mistake, please advise
the sender and delete the message and attachments immediately. This email,
including attachments, may contain confidential, sensitive, legally privileged
and/or copyright information. Any review, retransmission, dissemination
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intended recipient is prohibited. DIAC respects your privacy and has
obligations under the Privacy Act 1988. The official departmental privacy
policy can be viewed on the department's website at www.immi.gov.au. See:

DOB: **/**/****

Passport Number: *********

TRN Number: **********

Dear Ms. Lambeth,

I am writing in relation to electronic Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa application. I am sorry that I didn't reply earlier because of the email went into my junk mailbox, pls find below required information:


To enable this office to assess that you are a genuine visitor eligible for an electronic Working Holiday visa, it will be necessary for you to provide further information.

Please answer YES or NO to each declaration individually:

1. You have read and understand the information provided to you at the beginning of the application, and you are aware of the conditions that will apply to your visa and that you are required to abide by them. YES

2. You understand that the visa you are applying for does not permit you to be employed in Australia with one employer for more than 6 months. YES

3. You understand that the visa you are applying for does not permit you to undertake studies or training for more than 4 months. YES

4. You have sufficient funds for the initial period of your stay in Australia and for the fare to your intended overseas destination upon leaving Australia. YES

5. Any employment during your holiday in Australia will be short-term employment and the purpose of working is to supplement your holiday funds. YES

6. You are applying for a Working Holiday visa for the first time and have not previously entered Australia on a Working Holiday visa (on a passport of any country). YES

7. You have truthfully declared all relevant details required of you in your application. YES

8. If granted a visa, you will advise the Australian Government of any change in your circumstances. YES

9. You will respect Australian values during your stay in Australia and will obey the laws of Australia. YES

Hope you can process my visa application at your soonest convenience. Shall you have any further inquiry, pls email me to edith531168@yahoo.com.tw.

Many thanks

**-*** ** <這是我打上的名字>

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批踢踢實業坊 Gamesale 板
[3DS ] 售3DS紅黑 遊戲 台中
Jul 14th 2013, 00:18, by m801109

作者m801109 (m801109)


標題[3DS ] 售3DS紅黑 遊戲 台中

時間Sun Jul 14 00:18:20 2013

請先按Ctrl+V顯示正確色碼 ※標題統一使用「徵」「售」「換」開頭,若有錯誤請修正 Gamesale板規 ver 4.4上路了,發文前看過了嗎? (2013/07/02) 置底公告、按Tab看文摘、按z進入精華區都可以看到新板規內容 上面訊息可按Ctrl+Y刪除 【遊戲物品名稱】:3DS主機 馬利歐3D land 惡靈啟事錄 太鼓達人 【遊戲分級】:普遍級 【保存狀況】:都還不錯 【售 價】:主機3200 馬利歐3Dland 900 惡靈啟事錄 800 太鼓達人 1100 【地 區】:台中 【交易方式】:佔內信 電話0977376369 【介紹/拍賣網址】:加我FB th19911109@yahoo.com.tw line m801109 我再貼照片給你~~~~~~ 【附註】: 盒書皆在 只接受面交 誠可議 -- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001563316645&ref=tn_tnmn 嗚嗚嗚嗚 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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批踢踢實業坊 Notebook 板
[問題] Dell Inspiron 14TR CPU
Jul 14th 2013, 05:00, by zx3393

作者zx3393 (老涂)


標題[問題] Dell Inspiron 14TR CPU

時間Sun Jul 14 05:00:14 2013

已經google+爬文過 沒發現類似的問題 -------------------------------------上以三行PO文請刪除 廠牌: Dell 型號: Inspiron 14TR 4628TW (競速版) 購入日期: 2013/4 距上次使用正常時間: 2013/7/7 OS版本: win7 平常作業內容:影音上網遊戲 有無內建還原功能(Y/N): Y 問題內容: 7/7當日手賤切入bios的畫面 想看一下CPU(i5-3230m)可否固定超頻在3.0Ghz 結果因為不熟悉操作介面 所以"好像"沒動甚麼設定就離開 Turbo Boost Tech 確定是設定為 Enabled 之後開機 對我的電腦 點右鍵內容 卻看到CPU資訊 從2.6Ghz 3.2Ghz 變成2.6Ghz 2.6Ghz 有點緊張 不知是否關閉自動超頻?!?! 可是打開"渦輪加速監視器"又可以看到 CPU的時脈不斷上下變動(有超過2.6Ghz 至高看過2.9Ghz) 之後使用戴爾的硬體檢查軟體 也測試出CPU最大時脈為3.19Ghz(低一點點正常吧...) 想請問這樣的情況正常嗎? 如果不正常我該怎麼更改回原設定? 謝謝各位的回答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo!奇摩 搜尋結果
銀行股領漲 美股續上攻
Jul 13th 2013, 00:42

(中央社台北13日電)美股連續7個交易日上揚,標準普爾500指數再創新高,主要因銀行財報超標利多,抵銷優比速公司(United Parcel Service Inc.)下修財測利空。




羅素投資集團(Russell Investments)首席市場策略長伍德(Stephen Wood)指出,財報數據攸關重大。是本週和本月股市觀盤重點。

在美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)主席柏南奇(Ben S. Bernanke)力挺貨幣政策續寬鬆下,標普500指數過去5個交易日來計漲3%,連續第3週週線收紅,創下1月4日以來最大漲勢,也收復柏南奇首次暗示聯準會可能在今年稍後減碼每月850億美元購債規模後的美股失土。

美股稍早因費城聯邦準備銀行總裁普羅索(Charles Plosser)表示,聯準會應該在9月減碼量化寬鬆而挫跌。但在聖路易聯邦準備銀行總裁布勒德(James Bullard)指出,在通膨加速到聯準會目標區間2%以前,不該減碼量化寬鬆後,美股又隨之走高。

波士頓顧問公司( Boston Advisors LLC)投資組合經理人高爾(James Gaul)表示,「聯準會希望假以時日,投資人焦點從流動性驅動力道,轉到經濟驅動力道。我不清楚我們是否看到真正的經濟力道,但我們比幾年前更接近了。」




在富國銀行(Wells Fargo)公布超乎市場預估的財報後,金融股漲勢居標準普爾10大類股指數之冠。摩根大通銀行(JPMorgan Chase)和富國銀行是美國6大銀行中首批公布財報的銀行,帶動銀行股上漲1.5%


摩根大通收盤挫0.3%,報54.97美元。摩根大通執行長戴蒙(Jamie Dimon )警告投資人,利率攀升恐侵蝕房貸融資需求,造成獲利大減。



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批踢踢實業坊 ask 板
[請問] 關於伴郎伴娘的問題
Jul 11th 2013, 12:16, by ss870052

作者ss870052 (海綿)


標題[請問] 關於伴郎伴娘的問題

時間Thu Jul 11 12:16:00 2013

最近表哥要結婚了 如果我要當伴郎 那如果伴娘找表妹(不是表哥的妹妹) 這樣可以嗎? 有忌諱伴郎伴娘是表兄妹嗎? 找不到相關的資料 感謝大家 -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

evachicken:GetMarry板 但有沒有忌諱是"看雙方家長" 切記 07/11 12:18

dearlove:雙方沒意見的話有忌諱有怎樣 沒有又怎樣 07/11 12:29

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